My cookbook: "Tehran to New York"
On the Norouz day of 2020 spring, I finally published my book. The manuscript is titled: "Tehran to New York: A culinary bridge between Persian and Western cultures" and aims at presenting a unique blend of classic and contemporary Persian recipes, as well as samples of Western-style cuisine, offered in a Persian context. It is important to build bridges between cultures, and not walls. This book aims at constructing a bridge between the Persian and Western cultures. The book may be ordered here:
و شايد هم چيزی ياد بگيرند. خودش يک دنيا ميارزه. شما که خودتون معلم هستيد بايد با اين لذت آشنا باشيد. اينجا هم جور ديگه اي معلميد.همنام ما هم خوش آمدند. بلاگ تون رو الان ماه هاست که دنبال ميکنم و با اينکه نتونستم حتی يکی از غذا هاتون رو درست کنم اما از ترکيب مزه ها ی غذا هاتون کلی چيز ياد گرفتم. مرسی:)